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Aplio XG

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SKU: 698d51a19d8a Categories: , , Product ID: 32375


Monitor 19″ LCD, HDD/SDD 120GB; Features: Tissue Harmonic Imaging, Spatial Compounding (CrossXbeam), Speckle Reduction (SRI), Auto Image Opt (B mode), Auto Image Opt (Doppler), Write Zoom, Triplex Mode, Live Dual (B/BC) Mode, Raw Data File, ApliPure spatial compounding, QuickScan; Imaging Modes: 2D, M mode, M-color Flow Mode, Anatomical M-mode, Trapezoidal Mode Color, Power Angio, Pulse Wave Doppler, Bi-directional Power (HD FLOW), SCW Doppler, Tissue Doppler (Velocity) Imaging, Panoramic Imaging (Logiq view), STIC [Spatio-Temporal Imaging Correlation], Speckle Reduction, Panoramic Zoom, Trapezoidal, DTHI – Differential Tissue Harmonic Imaging, Advanced Dynamic Flow, Micro Flow Imaging, HPRF [High Pulse Repetition Frequency], Contrast Imaging, Dynamic Micro-Slice

Phased array: PST-25BT(5S1), PST-30BT, PST-50AT, PVT-382MV(3D/4D); Transesophageal array: PET-508M, PET-508MA, PET-510MA, PET-510MB, PET-512MC; Linear array: PLT-1204BX, PLT-1204MV, PLT-704SBT, PLT-805AT; Curved array: PVT-350BTP, PVT-375BT(9CV3), PVT-382BT; Intra Cavity array: PVT-681MV(3D/4D), PVT-770RT

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