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Siemens Acuson Antares

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SKU: 8f8551796779 Kategorije: , , Product ID: 32513


19″ high resolution flat panel monitor liquid crystal display with IPS (in-plane switching) technology, Screen resolution 1280 x 1024, Virtual Format; image formation supports image displays in linear, steered or trapezoidal format, Color Doppler, Power Doppler, PW Doppler, Doppler Tissue Imaging – Color and PW, M-mode and color Doppler M-mode, Extend imaging technology, Advanced fourSight technology, Full screen; dual and seamless dual screen formats, Invert (U/D) and transposed (L/R) for all formats, Articulating Arm, QuikStart Standby Mode, Transducer Ports, Transducer Storage, Hard Drive Up to 1.5 TB (depending on HW version), Image storage capacity up to 35,000 images; color or black/white, Read/write CD-R/DVD-R, Beamforming in 2D Imaging, Focusing, 2D Image Processing, 2D Image Display, MultiHertz Multiple Frequency Imaging, Tissue Harmonic Imaging, Color and Power Doppler Display, Pulsed Wave Doppler, Power Doppler Imaging, M-mode Image Display, M-mode Calipers, Pulsed Wave Doppler Display

Zakrivljenog snopa: CH4-1 (Hanafy Lens), CH6-2; Linearnog snopa: VFX9-4 (Multi-D)1, VFX13-5 (Multi-D)1, VF7-3, VF10-5, VF13-5, VF13-5SP; Faznog snopa: PH4-1 , P10-4, PX4-1 (Multi-D)1; Specialty: EC9-4; 4D sonde: C5F1, C7F2, EV9F4

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